Monday, March 19, 2012

Sandy Day Recess

March SOLC

I should have known. A few days ago I read a slice about someone's Rainy Day Recess. I commented saying it is nice to not ever have such things. I remember the energy drainer of having kids cooped up all day, for days in a row. I don't miss them.

Yesterday we receive an email telling us that all students must stay inside for recess due to sand and wind. I knew I should have bitten my tongue when I read that post. Ah, well.


This is what 'sand storms' look like here. There is a layer of grit in the air, on the ground, on each car, and every other surface you can see. As we drove home yesterday I noticed those huddled against walls. I see them there most days. I have no idea if they have a home, but I would guess wherever 'home' is the protection from the grit is not impenetrable.

I am thankful for our home. I am thankful that we can come in and be sealed away from the elements - the sand, wind, and sun. I am thankful that the craziness of an inside recess is a rare exception. I am thankful for this adventure I get to live.

photo credit:


  1. What a fascinating glimpse into a whole different way of living! I couldn't imagine battling different elements than wind and precipitation, but your post sure makes it easy to visualize.

  2. Thanks for taking us to a place most of us will never visit.

  3. Wow, I never would have thought about is weird and wacky sometimes. WE had a dense fog advisory here in Ohio today, a misty moisty morning!

  4. There is no magical weather location, sigh. . . too bad. But then everyone would want to live there. A sand day, not a snow day, interesting.
